Monday, May 28, 2007

ADPIE paper introduction

We've started working on our paper and here is what we have for our introduction so far:


In the world today there are many different diseases that can and do affect many people. One serious disease that many people face is periodontal disease, which is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth. Periodontal disease can cause many problems in the oral cavity but can also have far reaching effects throughout the entire body. One problem is that it can increase a person’s risk for having a stroke. A stroke or "brain attack" occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery or a blood vessel breaks, interrupting blood flow to an area of the brain. When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost. These abilities include speech, movement and memory.

Recently several studies have been conducted that have linked periodontal disease to contribute to stroke. This link is a very important and serious problem that needs to be addressed. Most people are unaware of what periodontal disease is, and probably have no idea that it can lead to stroke, as well as many other serious problems. The general public should be educated about periodontal disease, so they can prevent it and therefore prevent other serious complication that can be caused by periodontal disease.

The purpose of this study is to identify the public’s knowledge of a correlation between stroke and periodontal disease. The guiding research questions are: first, does the public know what periodontal disease is? Second, can the public articulate the harmful effects periodontal disease has not only on the mouth, but the entire body? Third, is the public aware of the correlation between periodontal disease and stroke? It is hypothesized that people will have a low level of knowledge of the effects that periodontal disease has on the body, and especially the correlation to stroke. The review of literature revealed the definition of periodontal disease and of stroke, and that a direct correlation exists between stroke and periodontal disease.


1 comment:

Em said...

Holy Cow girl! You started way early this year. Love the info so far.